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Version: 0.12


This section introduces Tremor connectors.


In Tremor, a connector is how external event streams are integrated with tremor. Connectors can be clients ( such as TCP or UDP clients ), servers ( such as an embedded HTTP or gRPC server ), or services such as the kv and wal connectors or an abstraction over an API such as the discord connector.

Formats and Types

Internally, tremor represents data as a set of heirarchic values with support for the primitive types null, integer, binary, boolean, floating point and string and the structural types of array and record. The syntax is backwards compatible with JSON but not symmetric.

A tremor value can include raw binary data but JSON cannot.

Connectors translate external data formats, over external protocols to tremor internals. Formats are transformed to the tremor value type system. And protocol, transport and API interactions are translated to streams of event commands, event data and query streams.

Tremor supports a suite of codecs for common format transformations to and from external data formats such as for json, yaml or csv. Further, tremor can preprocess data before it is transformed. So gzip compressed data can be decompressed before a codec is used to convert the external data to a tremor value. If data is line delimited, the events can be processed line by line.

We call transformation from an external data format to the tremor value type preprocessing.

We call transformation from the tremor value system to an external data format postprocessing.

Codecs and processors can be blended together with connectors to compose a working solution.

So, a TCP connector, with a line by line processor can produce and consume line delimited batch events. The source might be json and the target ( also ) tcp could be yaml or csv.

This allows for a relatively small set of connectors, codecs and processors to be very widely applicable in production.


Codecs convert data from external data formats to the native tremor value type system and vice versa.

Check the codec guide to see the supported codecs.


Preprocessor chains transform inbound chunks of streaming data before a configured codec in a connector converts them to the native Tremor value type representation.

Check the preprocessor guide to see the supported codecs.


Postprocessor chains transform outbound chunks of streaming data after a codec converts them from native Tremor value type representation to the external form indicated by the configured codec of a connector.

Check the postprocessor guide to see the supported codecs.

Quality of Service

Connectors are built so they maintain a usable connection to the system they connect to. This can be a remote server, a remote cluster, a local socket or file or a std stream. When a connector encounters an error that hints at a broken connection, it attempts to re-establish the connectivity. If configured, it will wait and retry if it doesn't succeed on its first attempt.

The following connector will attempt at maximum 10 reconnects before it goes into a failing state. Between each retry it will wait for the given interval_ms which grows by the growth_rate multiplied by a random value between 0 and 1. So the formula boils down to:

wait_interval = wait_interval * (growth_rate * random(0, 1))


define connector my_http from http_client
reconnect = {
"retry": {
interval_ms: 1000,
growth_rate: 2.0,
max_retries: 10,
randomized: true
config = {
"url": "http://localhost:80/api"

Some connectors provide transactional events, that will only be considered handled if a downstream connector handled it successfully. The runtimes Contraflow mechanism is used for propagating event acknowledgment or failure notification back to the originating connector. E.g. in case of Kafka a successful acknowledgement of an event will commit the offset of the message that contained the successfully handled event.

Connector Types

Connectors can be grouped in a number of categories that roughly provide the same pattern with different implementations.

Client & Server

This are connectors that handle the kind of connections that usually are used for implementing, as the category suggests, clients and servers. TCP, HTTP, but also WebSockets or UNIX Sockets fall into this categort.

They all provide matching pairs of _client and _server implementations where the _client is the side that initiates a contact, while the _server is the side that awaits to be contacted.

Reader & Writer

This set of connectors deals with connections that rougly resamble files access. File is the obvious one, but others like AWS S3 follow this model.

They generally have a reader and a writer side.

Consumer & Producer

This set of connectos connects to different messaging systems where there are two unidirecional connectiosn. One to produce new messages, and one to consume new messages.

The most prominent example here is Kafka Producer/Consumer.

They generally have a _producer and _consumer implementaiton.


Some connectors don't fall into the above categories or are one sided. The Discord or DNS connector is a client but there is no server. The KV or Google Big Query connector is a database connector, and connectors like the WAL are different again.

Development Only Connectors

These connectors are generally intended for contributors to tremor and are available only during development for debug builds of tremor.

Connector NameDescription
exitAllow terminating the runtime


Connectors are configured via the deployment syntax in a Tremor .troy file. As all other entities in Tremor, connectors need to be defined and created to be usable for forming an event flow.

Configuration is done in the Connector Definition. Every Connector has a set of specific configuration values, that need to be provided with the config option. All other options are common for all Connectors.

OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
codecThe [Codec] to apply to incoming raw data and outgoing events.[Codec] name as a string or [Codec] configuration as objectDepends on the Connector.
metrics_interval_sThe interval in seconds in which to emit metrics events to the metrics connectorIntegeroptionalIf omitted, no metrics events will be emitted.
postprocessorsA list of [Postprocessors] to be executed on the encoded outgoing event data in the order specified here.A list of [Postprocessor] names or configuration objectsoptional
preprocessorsA list of [Preprocessors] to be executed on the raw incoming data in the order specified.A list of [Preprocessor] names or configuration objectsoptional
reconnectA Reconnect configuration, defining how often and at which intervals to reconnect on connection lossSee Reconnect configoptional"none"

Reconnect config

By default Connectors will attempt to re-establish a failed connection, so that connectivity is preserved in the face of small recoverable glitches. But the connectors machinery inside the runtime also supports more involved retry strategies, because sometimes it makes sense to just wait out a small downtime.


Only attempt to reconnect once if an established connection fails. Do not retry. This the the Default reconnect configuration, if not explicitly specified.


Attempt to reconnect when a previous attempt failed. The retries an be limited to max_retries, by default tremor will retry infinitely. An interval can be configured between retries, that can grow by a fixed rate or a randomized rate for implementing exponential random backoff.

OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault Value
interval_msInterval to wait between retries in millisecondsUnsigned Integeryes
max_retriesThe maximum number of retries to executeUnsigned IntegernoIf not specified, the Tremor runtime will retry until the connection could be established again.
growth_rateThe growth rate, by which the actual wait interval of the last attempt is multiplied.Floating point numberno1.5
randomizedWhether or not to multiply the growth rate by a random float between 0.0 and 1.0 to introduce randomized wait intervals between retriesbooleannotrue


define connector my_file from tcp_client
config = {
"url": "
codec = "json",
postprocessors = ["gzip"]
reconnect = {
"retry": {
"interval_ms": 100,
"max_retries": 10,
"growth_rate": 2.0

This example configuration will attempt a maximum of 10 retries (if reconnect attempts fail), after waiting for an initial 100ms which is growing by a randomized rate of 2.0, so that wait times increase but not all instances will retry at the exact same time to avoid a thundering herd problem.


Use the retry reconnect config with care! Too many retries can hurt downstream systems and hurt the overall systems liveness in case of errors.


Writing to a local file on the file system

To write received events in tremor to the local file system we can use the builtin file connector, and configure the target file as the file argument to the connector.

We can override default connector provided internal processing via reparameterizing the default arguments specified in the connectors implementation. For example, where we are writing JSON formatted data to a file, we may desire that fields in record structures are always in a consistent and normalized serialization order through replacing the default json codec with the json-sorted codec.

We may also wish to override the conditions under which a file is created, appended to or overwritten when tremor is started. We can modify the write mode by setting the mode accordingly.

define connector write_file from file
file = "out.log"
codec = "json-sorted", # Normalize record fields in serialized JSON by switching to the `json-sorted` codec
config = {
"path": args.file, # Use the file argument from the arguments specification for the target file path
"mode": "truncate" # Truncate the file, or create a new file when the connector starts
postprocessors = ["lines"] # Ensure entire JSON documents are one per line ( UNIX-style ) in the serialized file

[Codec]: ../codecs/
[Postprocessors]: ../postprocessors/
[Postprocessor]: ../postprocessors/
[Preprocessors]: ../preprocessors/
[Preprocessor]: ../preprocessors/